

Types of Abuse

Sexual Assault

性侵犯是性暴力的一种形式,是一种企图, coupled with the ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another because of that person's gender or sex and without their consent. 性侵犯的例子包括不必要的触摸, kissing, fondling, or penetration of the mouth, vagina, or anus with a finger, penis, or object.

Dating Violence

约会暴力是性暴力的一种形式, and is abuse committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. This may include someone the victim just met; i.e., at a party, introduced through a friend, or on a social networking website.



Hazing, defined as an act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger or physical harm, 或对任何人造成严重的心理或情感伤害 student or other person, 破坏或转移公共或私人财产的, 为了启蒙的目的, admission into, affiliation with, 或者作为继续加入的条件, a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this rule.

在这个培训模块中了解更多关于欺侮的知识 here


Stalking means a repeated course of conduct directed at a specific person (when based on gender or sex) that places that person in reasonable fear for his/her or others' safety, 或者导致受害者遭受严重的精神痛苦. In most situations, stalkers are trying to intimidate, harass, and control their victims. Stalking also often occurs within an abusive relationship in which the abusive partner is trying to track and control the victim’s movements and interactions.



  • 打不必要的电话
  • 在建筑物内外等候
  • Watching from afar
  • Following
  • 发送不需要的信件或电子邮件
  • Making unwanted visits
  • Giving unwanted gifts

A stalker is often...

  • 现任或前男友/女友
  • A classmate
  • An acquaintance
  • A friend
  • A co-worker

Emotional Abuse

Psychological or emotional abuse involves trauma to the victim caused by acts, threats of acts, or coercive tactics.


  • Humiliating the victim
  • 控制受害者能做什么,不能做什么
  • 对受害者隐瞒信息
  • 如果受害者不同意,就会生气
  • Deliberately doing something that makes the victim feel embarrassed
  • 利用受害者
  • 将受害者与朋友或家人隔离
  • Prohibiting access to transportation, money, a telephone, or other basic resources
  • 利用受害者的孩子来控制受害者的行为

This list is not exhaustive. Other behaviors may be considered emotionally abusive if they are perceived as such by the victim. Additionally, all victims may not perceive some of the behaviors on the list as psychologically or emotionally abusive.

Street Harassment

Street harassment is a form of sexual harassment that occurs between strangers in public places. It typically takes the form of actions or comments that are disrespectful, unwanted, threatening and/or harassing, 并受到性别或性别表达的激励. 街头骚扰被美国政府视为人权问题.N. and other global organizations because it limits the victims' ability to enter public places safely and comfortably.

How you should react to street harassment depends on the situation. 你的安全永远是第一位的, 所以如果你觉得情况不安全, 你应该离开
不与罪犯眼神交流,也不与他们接触. If you experience street harassment on campus, call Campus Security at (509) 527-2222 to report it. 如果是紧急情况,你担心自己的安全,请拨打911. 停止街头骚扰 处理骚扰者的技巧 as well as other options for 被骚扰前后该怎么办 has already occurred.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a form of sexual violence and is abuse committed against someone who is a current or former spouse, current or former cohabitant, 与施虐者有孩子的人, someone with whom the abuser has or had a dating or engagement relationship, or a person similarly situated under Washington domestic or family violence law.

Cohabitant means two unrelated persons living together for a substantial period of time, 导致某种永久的关系. 可能决定人们是否同居的因素包括, but are not limited to, (1) sexual relations between the parties while sharing the same living quarters, (二)收入或者费用的分成, (三)共同使用或者共有财产, (四)当事人是否认为自己是夫妻, (5)关系的连续性, (6)关系的长短.

真相:人们对攻击的反应各不相同. Just because you didn’t resist physically doesn’t mean it wasn’t rape. Many victims make the good judgment that physical resistance would cause the attacker to become more violent.

事实:酒精和毒品不是借口,也不是不在场证明. Regardless of whether you were drunk or sober, if the sex is non-consensual, it is rape. 强迫一个喝得烂醉的人做爱 consent (合法醉酒)在大多数州被视为犯罪. Rape is a crime. People who commit crimes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not considered free from guilt.

Fact: Rape can occur when the offender and the victim have a pre-existing relationship (sometimes called “date rape” or “acquaintance rape”). 如果这一次不是双方自愿的,那就是强奸.

Fact: Since rape is life-threatening and each rapist has their own pattern, the best thing a victim can do is follow their own instincts and observe any cues from the rapist. 如果受害者活着逃脱,他们的行为是正确的.

Fact: Research has found that the vast majority of rapes are planned. 强奸是强奸犯一个人的责任. Opportunity is the most important factor determining when a given rapist will rape.

Fact: A national study reported that 29% of women and 22% of men had at some point been victims of physical, sexual, 或者心理上的亲密伴侣暴力. Every year in the U.S.美国有80多万名男性和100多万名女性.5 million women experience sexual or domestic violence at the hands of an intimate partner. It is also a myth that domestic violence happens only in lower-income families. In fact, domestic violence occurs with people of all economic and ethnic backgrounds.

真相:虐待有很多种, including physical, sexual, verbal, psychological, and emotional. 并不是所有的虐待都会导致身体伤害. If a person repeatedly hurts you, scares you, humiliates you, or belittles you, it is still abuse. Many abusers will also try to control your choices and your finances, 将你与朋友和家人隔离, or become excessively controlling by insisting on knowing where you are at all times. 这些都是虐待的例子.

Fact: Alcohol and drug use does not cause domestic violence, even though it often accompanies it. The abuser is still responsible for his/her actions and exhibit abusive behavior even without alcohol or drug use.

事实:家庭暴力不仅仅是身体上的虐待. Other controlling behaviors, such as intimidation, controlling decisions, and isolation of the victim, 是虐待的组成部分吗. The abuser wants to gain control in many ways, and those are done intentionally.

真相:家庭暴力包括多种形式的虐待, including physical, sexual, verbal, psychological, and emotional. Sexual abuses can include sexual assault, harassment, or exploitation. Domestic violence occurs when the abuser wants to control the victim. 性虐待是施加这种控制的另一种方法.

Fact: Men are the victims of domestic abuse almost as often as women are. 研究表明,每47名被虐待的女性中, 至少有32名男子受到虐待.